What's a pastor to do who has too many ministry responsibilities and not enough willing volunteers to help?!
How to I keep from having more work shoveled onto my pastoral plate than I can possibly handle? People die, move, need a break, or just quit - and I get stuck with the work they leave behind! How do I keep my sermon content fresh? Why can't I get people excited about Life Groups? These, and other questions, were all sent our way via the Small Church Pastor group on Facebook, and Dave Jacobs and I (Jeff) tackle them one by one in a two episodes, the first of which is right here with Episode 283! Dave and I have a combined 60 years of ministry experience, so what you hear is not theoretical or ethereal - it comes from a lot of success and failure! Most of all, it all comes with a lot of LOVE for pastors of small churches! Dave and I love you and hope that this episode provides MINISTRY ENCOURAGEMENT for you! Jonny joins me for the front and back of this episode, and his son Joseph even makes a cameo appearance! You can find Dave Jacobs at www.smallchurchpastor.com, and you can contact him with for pastoral coaches sessions at [email protected]! Dave coaches pastors full time and has been doing it for the past ten years! Comments are closed.
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