Enjoy Episode 180 with Zach Bauer!
Zach was live with us in the studio as we talked about how to think about volunteers in your small church or church plant - Red Door Church is both!
Zach learned a particular philosophy of ministry from his pastor, which has bled into his leadership at Red Door. There is, of course, no "one size fits all" philosophy of ministry, or philosophy of volunteer ministry - but you likely have one, and maybe have never articulated it to yourself or others. As you listen to Zach and the guys today, ask yourself, "How do I think about our volunteers?" It's a great question that's well worth contemplating! Zach also shares a great story about a time when his church reached thousands, but eventually stopped doing the very thing that brought thousands to their event. Another thought provoking story as you think about "why you do what you do at your church"! You can find Zach Bauer from Sioux Falls on Facebook and on Twitter at @towerofbauer. You can also find his church at www.reddoorchurch.net. We know you'll enjoy this episode and are so happy to share it with you! Remember, what you do in your 200church will matter for all eternity! Thank you for loving and serving God's people in your small church! Welcome to Episode 179!
You are welcome to sit in as I (Jeff) have a conversation with Melanie, an International Worker with our denomination. Her husband was with the boys while her and I talked about what that "year off" is like for missionaries - AND - what it is like to visit churches while on "home assignment" or "furlough".
Jose and Melanie have two young boys, under 4, and she shares some insight for us small church pastors on what it's really like for this young family to change cultures and customs for that year, travel with small kids, visit in churches and homes, and for some - have the added pressure of raising additional financial support - something our international workers do not have to do. Melanie let's you peek behind the curtain and gives you a front row seat for the "Family Furlough Show"! I learned a lot from this conversation, and so will you, Pastor! It will help all of us minister to and serve better, the missionaries who travel through our churches. Enjoy!
Today Dave Jacobs, from SmallChurchPastor.com joins us to have a conversation about doing ministry with one hand tied behind your back.
And so, in some of these instances, you have to do ministry, as it were, with one hand tied behind your back. In this episode, Dave, Jonny, and Jeff try to encourage you to certainly do two things:
Pastors ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ever get too much encouragement. So many pastors, truth be told, live with the needle more on the discouraged side, than the encouraged side. Jonny and I (Jeff), want to make a difference in your life and ministry in that area - we want to provide MINISTRY ENCOURAGEMENT to pastors - especially pastors of smaller churches, churches of around 200, give or take a hundred or two! Pastor, this might be a good episode to listen to with your husband or wife. Maybe on a longer drive, or when you are doing some house project together, or if you're wired for it - just sit down together and listen! Then discuss, affirm one another, and pray. Enjoy episode 178! It's our gift to you.
Our friend, Jeannine Brown, says this about herself...
I teach New Testament at Bethel Seminary. I’ve been a part of the faculty at Bethel University since 1995. My areas of interest include biblical hermeneutics, the Gospels and particularly Matthew studies, 1 Peter and issues of contextualization, and integrative work with colleagues in theology and the social sciences, both in the classroom and in collaborative writing. Jeannine joined us recently to talk about her journey to being an author, New Testament scholar, lover and teacher of Greek, and a seminary professor. Jeannine is brilliant and unassuming, possesses a stroke of genius yet is humble, generous, and kind. She is ultimately curious about the Word of God, and of course, the God of the Word. If you like thinking about Scripture, with childish wonder and imagination, Jeannine is your scholar! We had a blast talking with her and we know you will love this conversation. This is a long one, because at the end of the episode, I included a 7 minute clip from the cutting room floor, where we talk about the state and future of theological education for both aspiring pastors as well as those already in ministry. In some ways this is a different kind of episode, and yet it's also what we do week to week - to encourage you in your small church ministry! Enjoy! Below are links to some of the people and resources mentioned in this episode... |
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