Rohan and Jill Bell pastor the C3 Church in Thirroul NSW Australia, and Rohan is our guest on this episode!
In ministry since 1992, Rohan and Jill have been involved at almost every level of pastoral ministry, while raising five children and now enjoying two grandchildren. Their church is in three locations, and it's like pastoring three 200churches at the same time. Rohan is gifted administratively, and it's great to hear how he is staying in his lane, while training and deploying others to use their ministry gifts to grow the Kingdom of God. I met Rohan in John Finkelde's HUB over at, which you should absolutely check out! John is a frequent guest on the podcast. Enjoy this great conversation with a pastor who is on the journey... just - like - you!
Pastor, you would like to grow and change, but it seems like you're mostly spinning your wheels. You listen to podcasts like this one, watch webinars and online conferences, attend conferences and trainings, maybe take an online course or two, or subscribe to Audible to listen to books. But, you forget what you've heard or watched within the week. It's all good while it lasts, but then it's like water under the bridge, and it's gone. Today I want you to meet my coach, David Bush. David is a peak performance coach, life coach, business coach, and health coach. I want you to hear his story and get to know him, because he will be joining us next week for episodes 93-97 and Weekend Edition 13! Plus, in this episode - I have a lot to say to you before and after. Thanks for joining us today! I've titled this - How To Turn Dreams Into Reality, because that's exactly what we're going to do... in the end! If you're interested in being a part of the very first Coaching For Pastors Cohort, listen to Episode 87 of the Coaching For Pastors Podcast, and email me your interest at [email protected]. Enjoy!
Alex Regets is a 30-year-old Presbyterian pastor from Manteno, IL. He pastors Community Presbyterian Church, a great church in the heart of America's heartland.
Alex is also the founder of the HomeTown Pastor Podcast, and, where you can find great resources and a truckload of encouragement as a small church pastor. As a young pastor, Alex is really showing the way for his generation - loving and caring for God's people in a smaller congregation, where the Gospel is shared and lives are transformed. You are going to enjoy this episode!
Our special guest on episode 385 is Bob McNabb, from and, and the author of Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World - Why some disciple-makers reproduce when others fail.
Bob has been involved in disciple-making ministries for 40 years, both in the U.S. and overseas, and has done extensive research on why some are effectiveness when others are not. Here's what straight outta his bio page: "He has done extensive research into contextual and behavioral factors that influence effectiveness in disciple-making." Can you guess the secret sauce Bob discovered that produces the greatest amount of effectiveness in disciple making? It's right in this episode! Enjoy! Episode 384 - How The Men Of The Church Can Save The Next Generation Of Boys with TJ Greaney6/8/2022
This will go down as one of Jeff's absolute favorite episodes! Not because Jonny wasn't on the call, but because TJ was. Here is TJ's bio from his website,
TJ is the founder of KOZ or Kid's Outdoor Zone! TJ is an award-winning outdoor travel and adventure writer, radio show host and past President of the Texas Outdoor Writers Association. He published a Texas lifestyle magazine with his wife Sandra for more than 25 years from their former home in Austin, Texas. If you ask TJ his passions he would tell you. Jesus Christ, his family including dear friends, the ministry of KOZ, writing, coffee, hiking and the cool air of the mountains. He is involved daily working with KOZ leaders, creating materials, fundraising and mentoring. TJ & Sandra have three adult children, two amazing grand-daughters and one grandson! They now live on a small hobby farm in Smithville, Texas and loving the country lifestyle! This is one inspirational, encouraging episode! Thanks TJ! Check out his website and see if your church can be used by God to help rescue this next generation of boys!
Melanie is an International Worker and Missionary with her husband and children in a foreign country that will remain unnamed. Jeff gave her permission to speak freely to pastors and clue them in on what it's like for a young missionary family to come off the field for a year and visit churches.
What do they need from pastors? From church members? How does this home assignment year affect their personal lives and their children? How can churches help and truly minister to the needs of a missions couple or missionary family? Melanie breaks all this down in this episode! It's a timeless evergreen 200churches classic! Enjoy! And... Jeff and Jonny are in rare form in the introduction and conclusion - please excuse them... |
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