Tony Morgan, from The Unstuck Group, joins Jeff and Jonny LIVE and in the flesh as the three of them converse on what it means to get your church back on mission, back on the road to reaching people in your community who have no hope! Tony's organization helps get stuck churches - Unstuck! This is a very helpful and encouraging episode!
Right on the front end of the episode, before everything else, Jeff shares all the information you need to find The Unstuck Group's resources online. They have a book, a blog, a YouTube channel, and a podcast, just to name a few of the free resources! So much great stuff available through this episode. Take advantage of it all! See you next week! Enjoy the episode!
Jonny and I would be completely over the moon if you and your church decided to collaborate with our guest today, to help toddlers, kids, and young people, avoid the ugly and horrible world of sex trafficking!
Al Henson is the founder of Compassionate Hope - found at - and is so powerfully committed tp helping young ones in Southeast Asia avoid being trafficked. He shares some of his own story, which turns into the story of Compassionate Hope. Our goal in sharing Al's story is that some of you might realize just how much Kingdom work your small church actually can do. If one child is saved from a horrible life and finds LIFE and HOPE in Jesus, because of Episode 290 of our podcast, all 5+ years of this podcast will have been worth every minute of work we've put into it! No lie! Check out the Compassionate Hope website, search Google for all things Compassionate Hope, and enjoy this episode! ALSO, CHECK OUT A PREMIER CONFERENCE FOR PASTORS OF SMALL CHURCHES! CLICK THE PIC BELOW!
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