This week at 200churches we have talked about church boards. On Monday we encouraged you to give your boards some slack, they’re people too. On Wednesday’s podcast episode 58 we talked with Dave Jacobs about what to do with a dysfunctional church board. As we close out the week, we want to share with you what we think is the #1 thing that church boards need, after their relationship with God and His Word. What is the #1 need of a healthy church board?
You might say it’s unity. You’d be close! Unity is so important. You might also think wisdom, direction, integrity, godliness, and teamwork, and they would all be good characteristics as well. As would courage, decisiveness, perseverance, and love! But the #1 thing a good church board needs is… (drum roll please…) a good pastor! You want good board members, right? You want good Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, tech people, sound engineers, and worship leaders. And your board members want and need a good pastor! Finally, what is the #1 character quality of a good pastor, that the board members need? That would be… LOVE! When they look at you, they should see love. When they interact with you, they should experience someone who loves them. Love tells the truth, even if it hurts. Love is patient and kind. Love never keeps a list of wrongs. Love works for the best of the one loved. When Jeff was a kid he had a pastor who he felt truly loved him. This guy was not the best preacher, administrator, or leader, but Jeff felt loved by him. He invited him to his home for meals, took him fishing, and even asked him to help him in his full time ministry. This man wasn’t the perfect pastor, but his love for the people covered over a multitude of his sins. Commit to the LORD your church. Trust him to heal and grow your people. All you have to do is love them. Love your board, and love your people. After all, Jesus said love was the greatest commandment. It’s for the LORD, and for the people. What can you do this weekend to love your boards? How can you model love for them? They need a healthy, godly pastor to encourage them and grow them. Your leadership and shepherding in your 200church will matter huge in God’s Kingdom! Comments are closed.
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